Jennifer Hoyt, P.E. is a Senior Technical Advisor with Code Red Consultants. She is a registered fire protection engineer with over 15 years of experience in code consulting, fire protection and fire alarm design, and code development. Her experience includes serving as the Chief Fire Protection Engineer at the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services where she represented the State Fire Marshal on the Board of Building Regulations (promulgates the MA State Building Code) and served as technical staff for the Board of Fire Prevention Regulations (promulgates the MA State Fire Code). Ms. Hoyt has developed training for the Massachusetts Fire Service, building official organizations, and private industry groups based on her experiences with the state building and fire codes and lessons learned through their conception and application. She is a frequent speaker at NFPA’s Conference and Expo, SFPE-New England, Fire Prevention Association of Massachusetts, AFAA-New England, and Boston Society of Architects.